Roswell Land Surveying Services

Roswell Land Surveying Services

Basic principles of land surveying have changed little over the ages, where the equipment and the tools used by Roswell Land Surveyors have improved tremendously as far as precision. Civil engineering depends very much on land surveyors. In the construction of roads, reservoirs, detention facilities, Railways and rail roads, retaining walls, tunnels and bridges, residential and commercial areas to be built, land surveyors in Roswell are involved all the time. Roswell Land Surveyors establish the boundary lines of legal descriptions and the boundaries of political real property division. Land surveyors measure and provide data for GIS (GIS stands for Geographical Information System) and for computer cadastral databases that contain data about land improvements, land features and boundary lines.

Roswell Surveyors have a thorough knowledge of algebra, calculus, geometry and trigonometry, knowledge of laws that deal with land surveys, private and public property, business surveying contracts. Also the network of Roswell Land Surveyors possesses and operates accurate and precise equipment, total stations and GPS units, in the performance of the surveys.

In the United States surveyors and engineers use units of feet where a survey foot is broken down info 10ths and 100ths of a foot. There are many legal deed descriptions that express distance calls using these units (example 133.25 ft).

A Roswell Land Surveyor is required to sign and seal all the plans, which shows their name and registration number.

Roswell Mortgage Surveys are performed mostly for the real estate closing transactions. Title companies and loan institutions require Roswell mortgage survey to make sure that property doesn’t have encroachments, that all the improvements are located within parcel boundaries according to the building city codes and local zoning ordinances. Also mortgage survey will show any boundary gaps and overlaps. That critical information can be so important and might be the deal killer on the real estate purchase and sale transaction where big problems are uncovered ahead of time

Roswell Boundary survey is typically ordered when people have a real estate purchase and sale transaction. Based on the legal description land surveyors try to locate the property corner monuments in the field and prepare a graphical representation or report which is called survey plat. Typical Boundary survey in Roswell shows the parcel boundaries with corner markers being identified, all the improvements at the time of the survey, easements, any property gaps or overlaps that exist. When homeowners plan to install the fence and want to make sure they stay within their boundaries they call surveyor and order Roswell boundary survey and property line staking to identify exact property lines location.

Roswell Plot plan or Siteplan: is prepared every time when property owner plans to improve the property by constructing a new building, putting new driveway or parking lot, do major landscape project where grading is involved, install swimming pool, build garage or any substantial structure of the property. Site plans in Roswell are prepared according to the check lists from the building departments of the county that issue building permits.

Roswell elevation certificate: when the house is located in the flood hazards area and somebody buys it or homeowner does refinancing, lending institutions require Elevation Certificate to see if the house is really in the flood area and by how much. Elevation Certificate in Roswell is used by insurance companies to determine the insurance coverage and amount of premiums to be paid for the policy coverage. FEMA updates maps on the regular bases, flood limit lines might be adjusted and sometimes homeowners (who might lived in the house for several years and never had a flood insurance) can receive a letter from the bank requiring them to obtain a flood certificate because their house now might be in the flood hazard area. And that is where Roswell Elevation Certificate will show if they are in the flood hazard area and if they need to obtain flood insurance coverage.

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